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Jay from Laurel writes

Can I mix Gordons Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide with Tenacity on Tall Fescue lawn for weed control of Dallis Grass?

Can I mix this with Tenacity and apply to Tall Fescue lawn for weed control of Dallis Grass and other weeds?


Gordons Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide is labeled to control dallisgrass in tall fescue in the spring.  Tenacity Herbicide states the following in reference to tank mixing. We always recommend doing a small tank mix test before application. "Tenacity has been tested in tank mixtures with Barricade 65WG Herbicide (prodiamine), Vanquish® (dicamba), Turflon® ester (riclopyr), Spotlight™ (fluroxypyr), Quicksilver™ (carfentrazone), Basagran® (bentazon), Princep® (simazine), and AAtrex® (atrazine) for safety and efficacy on turfgrasses. Tenacity must be applied at reduced rates (4 fl. oz./A or less) if tank mixed with atrazine, bentazon or simazine. Other tank mixture partners may be safe but have not been tested. Turf managers wanting to tank mix Tenacity with other herbicides should test on a small basis for compatibility, safety and efficacy before treating large areas

Answer last updated on: 08/05/2019

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