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Lena from Seattle, Washington writes

Can I mix Tempo SC Ultra with Transport Mikron?

Is it safe to combine these two insecticides?


You should not mix Tempo SC Ultra and Transport Mikron together, and you should never mix 2 insecticides together unless both labels specifically state they are safe for mixing with the other product you plan to use. Insecticides are very specifically formulated to work with certain ratios and adding any other chemical to the mix can offset the ability of the product to work properly and the way it was designed. Specifically speaking regarding Transport and Tempo; Transport is a non-repellent insecticide and Tempo is not. Therefore, mixing the two will completely take away the non-repellency of the Transport, wasting the product and its intended use.  You may also contact our Customer Service team for assistance with your specific situation; we are happy to make recommendations on what produts and applications will work best for your target insects. You may reach us at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p EST.

Answer last updated on: 11/08/2015

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