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Matt from Richmond, Va writes

Can Prime Source Meso 4SC Select have residual impact that turns some seedlings white?

I used Prime Source Meso 4SC Select in two applications before fescue seeding with the last application being about 5 days prior to seeding. I'm noticing one small patch of seedlings turning white about 2.5 weeks after the tenacity application and 1.5 weeks after seeding. Could this be a residual impact of Meso or do I have other potential issues? The white seedlings are very localized to a spot the size of my hand. I have been watering several times per day but this isn't the wettest part of my yard (although it is relatively shady).


Prime Source Meso 4SC Select also has pre-emergent activity up to 30 days so it can cause whitening on new seedlings when applied as a broadcast application.  You can try to eliminate the whitening with a Chelated Iron product.

Answer last updated on: 09/30/2019

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