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Miriam from New York writes

Can I put cedar chips or other moth repellants in the same closet?

I want to put this trap in a closet. Is it ok to put cedar chips or other moth repellants in the same closet? Also, is one trap enough for a 2,400 sq flat with 8 rooms, considering the fact that it'll be in a closet? I'm not sure the infestation is in that closet but that's where I have valuable stuff and I also see the moths there. Can you help me figure out what to use and what not to and how much of each?


By putting moth balls or cedar chips into the same area as the ProPest Clothes Moth Trap you could cause a situation where you would cover up the pheromone of the trap and stop the moths from entering it. If the closet is already infested with clothes moths it is very doubtful that moth balls or cedar chips would be helpful. You need to completely clean the closet out and clean or get rid of infested items. Apply one or two pheromone traps for the entire home to remove the male moths from the breeding pool and to monitor the infestation. Failure to find the actual infested items will lead to a prolonged infestation. Please take a few moments to read our article How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths to learn more about how to eliminate this pest.

Answer last updated on: 09/13/2011

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ProPest Clothes Moth Trap

ProPest Clothes Moth Trap

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