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Mary from Los Angeles, Ca writes

Can Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran be used as a basal bark spray to treat Magnolia scale?

My magnolia is infested with scale. I've used imidocloprid twice but read that soft scale don't feed deeply enough for that to work well. Just wondering the best product to save this poor tree from scale.


Yes Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran can be used as a basal bark treatment for certain soft scale insects. According to page 13 of the product label: 12-24 oz per gallon Depending on bark type and thickness, one gallon of spray solution will typically cover 65-85” of cumulative trunk diameter (1.5-2.0 fl oz per inch of trunk diameter) when applied to trunk between soil surface and 4-5 feet above soil surface.

Answer last updated on: 09/17/2019

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