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Tammy from Moriarty writes

Can someone tell me how much VetRx Poultry Remedy to put in one quart of water for my babies? The leaflet only says "a few drops to drinking water" with no mention of how much water. Also, is it okay to use with the vitamin and electrolyte powder in the water?


In the case of using VetRx Poultry Remedy for general flock care, it recommends adding a few drops to drinking water each time you refill the drinking reservoir.  It doesn't specify how much water, but adding 2-3 drops to a full reservoir of water should be sufficient.  I would recommend speaking with the manufacturer of each of the products you're inquiring about mixing together to see if they can be mixed.  

Answer last updated on: 07/26/2018

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VetRx Poultry Remedy

VetRx Poultry Remedy


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