Product Q&A

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Shirell from Newark Nj writes

Can I spray Steri-fab directly on my mattress? Is it safe to spray in a room without a window?

Is it effective alone? If i take all of the bedding off and wash, just spraying the mattress? how long before can the matress be used again?


Sterifab is labeled to be sprayed directly on mattresses and upholstered furniture. You can spray in a room that does not have a window but you should exit the room after the application and give it about an hour to dry. Your mattress should be completely dry before putting the sheets back on and using it again. Sterifab provides a fast knockdown and kill to those bedbugs and bedbug eggs that are contacted with direct sprays of the product. Sterifab does not leave a long lasting residual so it should not be the only product you use to eliminate bedbugs. Please check out our Bedbug Kits to see the products we recommend you use for bedbug elimination.

Answer last updated on: 07/18/2012

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