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Rusty writes

Can Suspend SC be used to treat bagworms with a garden hose type sprayer?

If this is not recommended, can Talstar One be used as a substitute for the same type application?


Yes. Suspend SC can be used in a hose end sprayer to treat for bagworms as long as you can properly calibrate the hose end sprayer to apply the correct amount of product per gallon of water. The Suspend SC product label recommends 8 oz of product per 100 gallons of water. Applications should start in April and continue monthly through June for bagworm control. (treatments should start around the time when the larva move out of the mother's bag and before they make their own bags) Be sure foliage is sprayed thoroughly to the point of runoff to achieve adequate coverage. While both Suspend SC and Talstar P can be used for bagworm control, Talstar is the most recommended for bagworm control because it is known to be super gentle on most plants, trees and bushes. Talstar may also be easier to measure for this use, .25 ounce per 1,000 sq ft.

Answer last updated on: 07/05/2010

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Suspend SC Insecticide

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