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Bernard from Saskatoon writes

Can I tank mix Tenacity and Certainty together in the same tank sprayer for one application? If so, what would be the mixing rate for a 1000 sq ft lawn?


Unfortunately, there has not been any testing done by the manufacturer of Tenacity on the compatibility of tank mixing Tenacity Herbicide and Certainty Herbicide. We would suggest doing a small compatibility test in glass jar to see if the products separate or clump in any way. The Certainty Herbicide product label advises to add water to the tank ½ way then add the Certainty first and then the Tenacity, shake vigorously and fill the remaining way with water and shake again. 

Answer last updated on: 10/07/2022

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Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz.

Certainty Herbicide - 1.25 oz.

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