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Mark from Southeastren Wisconsin writes

Can Termidor be used inside a upper flat to control silver fish, and centipedes?

She has no pets, and she has access to the attic if need be, she also has half the basement with no access to the other half. Her half is empty. Should the lower tents be warned if she does use Termidor.


Termidor Sc is not labeled for any type of indoor use other than applying to wall voids. Our most popular general use product is called Talstar.  It is widely used by pest control companies because it is labeled for almost every insect you could have a problem with and you can use it outside the home as well as inside, it is odorless and very safe for use around children and pets.  It is a liquid concentrate that you mix with water in a one gallon hand pump sprayer and it can be applied in cracks and crevices indoors where these insects harbor.

Answer last updated on: 07/18/2012

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