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David from Nanaimo, British Columbia writes

Can the Centrobulb Duster be used without the Curved Tip?

I have Carpenter Ants in the wall and I want to drill small holes through the drywall right into the studs around where the Ants are nesting. The curved tip would make it impossible to fit the applicator into the small holes I will be drilling into the wall, but if the curved tip can be disconnected from the the 12" extension, I will have no problems inserting the applicator through the small hole in the drywall and into the studs where the Ants are nesting. Thanks for your time.


Yes, you can use the centrobulb duster without the curved tip.  However, the tip is smaller than the extension tube so it may not be the best fit.  You may want to look at the B&G 1150 duster which comes with long, thin, bendable nozzles that may work better for your use.

Answer last updated on: 06/22/2012

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