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Barry from Denver, Colorado writes

Can I use Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control Landscape Formula for Japanese Beetles on grape vines in a home garden?

The label shows this product is effective against Japanese beetle for many fruits. However, the label does not show effectiveness for Japanese Beetles for grape vines. Please clarify. Also the amount to use for grapes is not clear, please clarify? Also, is this the correct time to apply for grapes? If this product does not work do ypou recommend bayer advanced vegetable and garden insect spray?


Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control Landscape Concentrate is not labeled for use on grape vines. The Vegetable and Garden Insect Spray can be used on grapes according to the product label, however it does not list Japanese Beetles. We would recommend Fertilome Triple Action for your needs. Triple Action is for the feeding adults and can be used up to day of harvest. You could also use Bonide Beetle Bagger Traps and hang them away from the affected plants. If you would like a systemic insecticide for grapes, you could use Monterey Fruit Tree and Vegetable Systemic Soil Drench on grapes. This product would be used once a year between bud-break and the pea-berry stage, at least 30 days before harvest.

Answer last updated on: 06/22/2017

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