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Denise writes

Can I use Blindside in hot weather?

I live near Ocala FL. Daily temps are mid to upper 70s at night, mid 90s during day with our usual high humidity. Can I applysafely apply Blindside in early morning even though it gets into 90s later? Also, is Blindside safe under drip line of large trees? I have St Augustine grass loaded with dove weed, nuts sedge ,pusley & crab gras.


Yes, you could apply the Blindside in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler; usually below 85 degrees is safest for your turfgrass. You should avoid spraying in a manner that would allow direct spray or overspray onto the roots or other parts of desirable trees.

Answer last updated on: 07/06/2017

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Blindside Herbicide WDG

Blindside Herbicide WDG

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