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Tammy from Kuna, Id writes

Can I use Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide as a systemic drench?

After removing overgrown ornamental strawberries, I have discovered powdery mildew on the soil and remaining bark. I have removed as much of the back as possible, but wish to treat the soil before planting flowers.


Bonide Liquid Copper Fingicide Concentrate is not labeled to be used as a systemic drench. We would recommend using Agrisel BioPhos Pro Systemic Fungicide. It provides preventive and curative control of plant fungal diseases like Phytophthora, downy mildew, powdery mildew, greasy spot, late blight, and more. It is absorbed by the plants through its roots and foliage.  The residential/homeowner application instructions are below.  For preventative control of certain diseases in ornamentals. For soil drench, apply BIOPHOS™ PRO Fungicide at a 0.5% dilution. Mix 1/8 cup (2 tbsp) of BIOPHOS™ PRO Fungicide per gallon of water, and apply with a watering can or other device so as to wet the root zone.

Answer last updated on: 03/22/2018

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