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Susan from Miami, Florida writes

Can I use Cy-Kick CS in a foamer?

I need to foam behind the walls in a large house (for drywood termites). FastOut CS would be much too expensive. Can I use Cy-Kick CS in a product like the Foamer Simpson? Also, could I combine Fipronil and Cyfluthrin in the Foamer Simpson? Thank you.


According to Cy-Kick CS product label: This product can be converted to a foam and the foam used to treat structural voids to control insect and arthropod pests in walls, under slabs or in other void areas. Apply as a dry foam (approximately 25:1). Fill void with foam so that all surfaces are contacted. Mix end-use dilution with manufacturer’s recommended volume of foaming agent. Use the recommended rate suspension converted to a foam to achieve the desired foam expansion ratios. Verify before treatment that the foaming agent is compatible with this product. We do not recommend using a fipronil based product in the same exact place or in the same foamer as the Cyfluthrin as the products would contradict each other. The fipronil would not be able to get back to the colony and you would in essence be ruining the effect of the product. You can foam the product in a foamer simpson or other poly foamer but you would also need to use a foaming agent such as Pro Foam to make Cy-Kick CS foam.

Answer last updated on: 08/18/2013

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