Product Q&A

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Derek from Buena Vista writes

Can I use Daconil Ultrex to treat fairy ring in my centipede grass?


Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide is not labeled to control fairy ring in any lawn so we would not recommend that to get rid of your fungus in your lawn. Heritage G Fungicide is one of our most popular lawn fungicides and would do a great job to control fairy ring.  Per the product label instructions: Apply 2-4 lbs of Heritage G per 1000 sq/ft for fairy ring. Apply as soon as possible after fairy ring symptoms develop. Irrigate with at least 0.5 inches water within 24 hours after application if rainfall is not expected. Severely damaged or thin turf may require reseeding. Fairy ring symptoms may take 2 to 3 weeks to disappear following application. Reapplication after 14-28 days may be required in some cases

Answer last updated on: 06/14/2017

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