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Kurt from Swansboro, Nc writes

Can I use Ferti-Lome Brush Killer to kill a crepe myrtle that has been cut off?

Purchased a home and had to cut down 2 large crepe myrtles near our septic tank. Stumps were ground, but now I have shoots growing up off of the roots throughout a decent portion of the lawn. I cut them off when I mow, but they continue to grow back after 3 years. I've sprayed them with Trimec so as not to hurt the Centipede lawn, but that doesn't eliminate them. I'm wondering if I need to use Triclopyr and whether that would hurt the Centipede? Or is there another answer to get rid of them?


Yes, a triclopyr product such as Fertilome Brush Killer would be best for treating fresh cuts. You can brush this product full strength (carefully) onto fresh cuts for best results and to create the least amount of risk to your turfgrass.

Answer last updated on: 05/28/2019

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