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Kristen writes

Can I use Gentrol Point Source when breeding Dubia roaches?

I breed dubia roaches as food for my bearded dragon. I know this product can affect them, but what if I keep them in a separate room with the door closed? Would that help prevent the Gentrol reaching them in their bin? Any other suggestions to help keeping them safe?


Gentrol Point Source is released into the air at around a 75 square foot radius of the disc.  Since it is airborne, it does have the risk of traveling more than 75 square feet.  Additionally, air vents and air recirculation would be a concern in your particular situation as well.  I would recommend contacting the manufacturer, Zoecon, for further advice.  They can be reached at 1-800-877-6374.

Answer last updated on: 11/16/2018

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Gentrol Point Source

Gentrol Point Source

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