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Paul writes

Can I use Merit 75 WP Insecticide to control bagworms?

I have about 300 Leyland Cypress trees around two sides of our property (40+ feet tall). Have been spraying once/year with Isotox (Orthene) to control Bag Worms. Can no longer purchase that product. Can I use Merit for this purpose, and if so, approximately how much would I need - ounces/gallon?


Merit 75 WP is not labeled for bagworm control. We recommend using Talstar P for bagworm control. Timing is key when spraying for bagworms. Apply when larvae begin to hatch and spray larvae directly. Applications when larvae are young will be most effective. You can check with your local Cooperative Extension Office to see when bagworms become active in your region.

Answer last updated on: 03/23/2010

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