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Nacho writes

Can I use Permethrin SFR on my dog? If so, how much product should I use per gallon of water?

I just got a 3 yr old pit bull and he has lots of ticks.


Yes, you can use Permethrin SFR on your dog. You should use ¼ fl. oz of product to 1¼ gallons water then thoroughly wet the animal to the skin with sponge or rag. Let drip dry. You can find these instructions on page 16 of the Permethrin SFR product label which we have linked in this answer for your convenience but is always available on the Permrthrin SFR product page.

Answer last updated on: 05/16/2011

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Permethrin SFR 36.8%

Permethrin SFR 36.8%

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