Charles writes
Thank you for the prompt response to my earlier question. We are using Termidor to treat for termites and plan on applying it in a six inch trench as directed. However when we first saw the presence of termites around the foundation we panicked and sprayed an over the counter repellent type of chemical around the foundation about 3 inches below grade (but only on one side of the house- where we saw the termites). Would you still suggest we wait two months to make the Termidor application or perhaps could we simply replace the soil that we remove when digging our six inch trench with fresh soil. Thank you again.
You would handle this situation by either removing a good portion of the soil you treated with the over the counter product and replacing it like you had suggested, or by treating everywhere else but the area you treated. If you are going to try to replace the soil, then make sure you dig down plenty deep and remove all of the soil that may have been contacted by the over the counter product. Don't worry, many homeowners do the same thing and call us when they realize there are better alternatives. It should be fine.
Answer last updated on: 04/21/2010