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Chris from Nc writes

Can I use this Cobweb Duster to apply something like Delta Dust to the overhand and soffits of my home?

I currently hire a local professional pest control team and I noticed they apply Delta Dust using a dewebber. Is it as simple as puffing dust on the deweb brush and then using it to deweb normally? I assume you would need to bring it down to apply more dust as you go along.


The Cobweb Duster is ideal in knocking down cobwebs alone, without a dust insecticide. Delta Dust Insecticide should be applied with a bellow hand duster which allows you to easily apply the dust in hard to reach areas without wasting any product. We recommend the Bellow Hand Duster and Long Shot Puffer Duster.  

Answer last updated on: 08/10/2021

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Cobweb Duster

Cobweb Duster

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