Product Q&A

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C. from Cincinnati Oh writes

Can you plant flowers in beds after using Prodiamine 65 WDG? (Not seeds but plants already blooming?)

I bought this mainly for the rocky area of landscaping around pool where I don't want anything to grow, but if I use it in mulch areas where no plants can I later plant a few flowers or would they die off? Since it specifies things can't germinate I'd imagine flowers are okay after, but wanted to be sure. And if so, should I apply some extra after planing since I would be disturbing the soil "barrier"? Since our winter has been so mild, I also planned on applying earlier than the date on the label since some agricultural websites suggest before Mar 15.... and then I could put another round down in May- does that sound right? Thank you!!


If you are going to be planting in the area you would like to use Prodiamine 65 WDG it would be best to plant first then apply the product so that you are not disturbing the barrier in the soil but applying before planting.  It will only prevent seeds from germinating and is actually labeled to be used in landscape planting.  The label states: Delay application to newly transplanted ornamentals until soil has settled around transplants.

Answer last updated on: 02/25/2016

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