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Diane writes

Can you spray Demon WP on Fruit Trees and Vegetables?

I have Peach trees, Tangerine Trees, Blueberry Bushes, Tomato Vines and Cucumbers. Can Demon WP be applied to them safely?


No, Demon WP cannot be used on any edible vegetation. We do carry Acephate 75SP, Cyonara Lawn and Garden and Malathion 57%, each of which can be used on different fruits and vegetables. Malathion has the broadest label and is our most popular product for customers that need to treat fruit and vegetable plants. Always read the product label to be sure the plants you need to treat are listed. We also recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to seek advice on the best products for plants and insects in your region.

Answer last updated on: 06/08/2010

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