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Mary writes

Can you use Daconil successfully on pachysandra fungus leaf blight 'volutella?

I have a 24 year old patch of pachysandra, that has always done well. Although a small patch of it has struggled the last two seasons, it seems as though it has come back when watered. This year, I did not really rake the leaves out of the patch like in other fall seasons before the winter. While it was not covered with leaves, there are a fair amount underneath. Now, just a week or so ago, I noticed I have a leaf blight and some root rotting, dispersed throughout- and the patch that struggled the last two years has died ( I raked, and found after removing the dead parts, the area has nothing growing ). So, for right now, I am busy just cleaning up the patch over all, removing the yellowed leaves, the dead parts, and trying to rake out the underlying leaves. What I am not sure, about, is what product to use. I have researched several, and Daconil is one name that comes up. I also would like to stay organic if I can, and Serenade by Bayer is another product - But, before investing, I'd like a recommendation on whether Daconil will work for this form of leaf blight root rot- and what the best product might be. Thanks.


Yes Daconil Fungicide Concentrate is labeled specifically for Volutella Leaf Blight on Pachysandra.  You will use 5 tsps of Daconil Fungicide per gallon of water and it is recommended to apply starting at bud break.  

Answer last updated on: 05/14/2018

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