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M. from Daphne, Al writes

Can you use a pesticide with Ferti - Lome F - Stop Lawn Fungicide Granules ?


You can use most insecticides at the same time you use a fungicide such as Ferti-Lome F-Stop Lawn Fungicide Granules. Our most popular insecticide for turf and ornamental pests is Talstar P. You would use 0.5 – 1 oz diluted in water per 1,000 square feet for turf pests like spittlebugs and mole crickets. We have more tips to eradicating mole crickets in our online Treatment Guide here.  For a general calendar, you can use see our Lawn Care Schedule here. We also cover dozens of topics in our ongoing Do My Own Lawn Care Video Series here.

Answer last updated on: 05/30/2018

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