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CELSIUS WG Herbicide is a postemergent foliar-applied herbicide containing three active ingredients that provide a broad spectrum of weed control. This weed killer controls more than 120 annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses in warm-season turf types, such as St. Augustinegrass, Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass. Celsius herbicide is not labeled for use on cool-season grasses.
Coming in an easy-to-use wettable granular formulation, this Celsius Herbicide is intended for use on residential lawns, commercial lawns, golf courses, sports fields, parks, campsites, recreational areas, roadsides, school grounds, cemeteries, sod farms. After applying Celsius WG Herbicide, weed growth ceases within a matter of hours. The weeds will progress from yellowing or turning red or purple to necrosis, resulting in the plant death within 1 to 4 weeks after application. The speed of symptom development varies with temperature and will be faster at warmer temperatures. For best results to control mature weeds, apply when the daily average temperature is above 60° F. Make applications to actively growing weeds. Weed control may be reduced if application is made in the presence of heavy dew, fog, and mist/rain or when weeds are under stress due to drought.
Dallisgrass: Please note that Celsius herbicide is labeled for suppression of dallisgrass only and can only be used for dallisgrass when tank mixed with another herbicide such as MSMA or Revolver (which are not for residential use).
Available Sizes:
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Dicamba 57.4%, Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 1.9%, Thiencarbazone-methyl 8.7% |
Target pests | Annual and Perennial Broadleaf Weeds and Grasses |
For use in | Warm-Season Turf Types Only (St. Augustinegrass, Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, Zoysiagrass) listed in this label in Commercial and Residential Sites NOT FOR USE on bahiagrass or cool-season turf types, including tall fescue, fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or creeping bentgrass |
Pet safe | Yes, when used according to the labeled instructions. |
AK, CA, NY CT, VT, WA (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) Due to state tax laws, Washington residents must purchase their specific state option when adding the 10 oz size to your cart. |
Coverage Area | 10 oz bottle: treats up to 2 acres. Single Dose 0.226 oz packs: treats up to 4k sq ft |
Shipping Weight | 0.78 lbs |
Manufacturer | Envu (Formerly Bayer) (Mfg. Number: 79714858) |
EPA Registration | 432-1507 |
This product has been tested and can be used on the following types of turfgrass and their cultivars:
Other turfgrasses and their cultivars may be tolerant to this product. However, tolerance testing should be done prior to use. Some temporary discoloration of certain warm-season grasses may occur when this product is mixed with other herbicides.
worth the price
By Rpc on 12/12/2011
Was hesitant to buy given the price but the Floratam lawn was being overrun with weeds, dollar weed in particular. The product has worked well - kills the weeds without harming the lawn. Only a small amount of the product is needed to create a gallon of spray so the cost will be amortized.
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126 of 132 people found this review helpful
By by crabgrass....
By Marcus on 07/23/2012
I wasn't sure at first that this product will work. But as soon as I applied the Celsius to my lawn the crabgrass stop growing and over the course of 4 weeks the crabgrass was dying and almost completely gone,my Bermuda choke it out...
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79 of 87 people found this review helpful
Turf damage warning - Bayer has issued product update
By Scott on 06/20/2012
Following the label directions for spot treatment caused moderate and even some small spots of severe damage with clumps of grass (St. Augustine) falling out at the crown. In the update Bayer now recommends against surfactant for spot treatment. Basically, spot treating is not worth the risk due to damage from higher application rates as you focus the spray. The good news is my grass seems to be slowly recovering and the dollarweed and beggarweed were killed within days. The label lists kyllinga but it is still alive where the grass has died back. One weed which Manor/blade kills but this does not is Asiatic Dayflower. I have had some luck getting this to knock back blanket crabgrass but it grows back.
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67 of 77 people found this review helpful
Celsius WG Herbicide works great
By Pete on 10/11/2012
It seems like this has worked really well on my lawn trying to get rid of Dollarweed. I've tried Atrazine and Image in the past with minamal results. It did not hurt my Saint Augustine grass at all. I would definitely recommend this product. The only thing I would say is that a 10oz bottle is probably a 10 year supply. So I sprayed my neighbors yard and my mother-in laws yard as well.
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62 of 64 people found this review helpful
Creeping beggarweed in St. Augustine at bay house in Texas.
By Betty on 06/27/2012
Creeping beggarweed was taking over my St. Augustine grass at my bay house in Rockport, Tx. Other herbicides I tried did not even phase this weed. I followed the mixing instructions in 1 gal. sprayer with the sufficant added. I used about 6 gallons initially on June 15th and within 5 days the beggarweed was dead or dying. I mixed another gallon this week and spot sprayed the weed where I missed the first time. Thank goodness Celsius kills this obnoxious interloper. Of course, I would like it even more if it was less expensive but under the circumstances I was thrilled to find something so effective on this pest.
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55 of 55 people found this review helpful
Can Celsius be sprayed at 85 degrees even the temperature is rising and will be above that in an hour or two? In other words can I spray in the morning when it is 75 degrees and an hour later the temperature is over 85 degrees?
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365 of 390 people found this answer helpful
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197 of 206 people found this answer helpful
Do I need to wait a certain amount of time before I can let the dogs back into the yard?
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186 of 205 people found this answer helpful
Calculating the labeled max/yr and my lot size, I figure one bottle would be 4+ years worth.
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162 of 171 people found this answer helpful
Per the Celcius WG Herbicide product label: MOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Do not mow immediately after treating with this product or before spray has dried.
Typically you should 1-2 days before and after applying.
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138 of 149 people found this answer helpful
Celsius WG Herbicide
Rating: 4.4 (74 Reviews / 239 Q&A)