Confused Flour Beetle Identification
- Adults are small (about 3/16" in length), with reddish-brown flattened bodies. Antennae gradually enlarge into a 4-segmented club.
- Eggs are microscopic in size and white or without color.
- Larvae are skinny, ¼" in length, and yellow to cream in color. They have six legs and two-forked projections at the last rear body segment.
- Pupae are white to light brown.
Signs of Confused Flour Beetle Infestation
Infested flour may be discernable by its moldy flavor and pungent odor. Adult flour beetles may be on the surface of infested foods, deep inside the food material, or scurrying away when disturbed.
Feeding Preferences
Confused Flour Beetle (sometimes called "bran beetles") are found mainly in milled grain products like cereals and flour. Additional preferences include barley, breakfast cereals, corn, cornmeal, crackers, flour, millet, oats, rice, rye, wheat, nutmeats, dried fruits, powdered milk, spices, and rat baits. Adult and larvae of Confused Flour Beetles feed on grain dust and broken kernels, but not on whole undamaged kernels.
Confused flour beetles are the worst damage-causing pest of flour mills in the United States. Confused Flour beetles DO NOT bite or sting, spread disease, or damage house or furniture.
Prevention and Control of Confused Flour Beetles
- The best method to avoid stored-product pests is careful sanitation. Pantry shelves should be kept free of crumbs and stickiness.
- If you do locate an infested package, get rid of it immediately.
- When purchasing foods, check the packaging date to ensure freshness.
- Do not purchase food packages that look open or damaged.
- Utilize several pantry pest traps in and around the infested area.
Get the Pantry Pest Kit!
This complete pantry pest kit includes six Pro-Pest Pheronet traps for catching pantry moths and beetles, plus a 17.5 oz. can of Cy-Kick Residual Aerosol with a crevice tool (straw) for spraying in cracks and crevices around shelves and walls to kill pantry pest larvae and harborage areas. All contaminated food should be removed prior to treatment. Use products as directed on their corresponding labels.
View our entire line of Pantry Pest Control products
View our entire line of Pantry Beetle Control products
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