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Mike from New York writes

Conquer use for lice


Conquer Liquid Insecticide is not labeled for lice on people, there are products you can purchase over the counter for that treatment or contact your doctor.   In reality, lice cannot live off of a human and in the environment. Every pest has a specific way its biology works, what it needs to survive or thrive, and how its life cycle progresses. In the case of lice, they are not going to survive in the home as a home is not a condusive environment for them. They need the moisture and heat our bodies provide, and that direct contact to our bodies, to maintain life. We recommend reading over our article that goes into this a little more in detail and links the only product we recommend for these situations. 

Answer last updated on: 11/17/2020

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Conquer Liquid Insecticide

Conquer Liquid Insecticide

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