Product Q&A

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Lea from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia writes

Could you please confirm that Tenacity will not kill of Tall Fescue or any other grasses?

Is Tenacity available in Australia, Melbourne


Tenacity Herbicide is labeled for use on Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Centipedegrass, Buffalograss, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescue, St. Augustine Grass. Other species of grass such as Bentgrass, Poa annua, kikuyugrass, zoysiagrass, seashore paspalum and bermudagrass are sensitive to Tenacity applications and damage may occur. According to the product label - Residential Lawn Applications: Unless renovating and/or re-seeding the home lawn, avoid broadcast applications of Tenacity for pre and post-emergence weed control because undesirable whitening of some turfgrasses may occur. We do not ship to Australia and we are not sure if the manufacturer offers Tenacity in Australia. You can contact the manufacturer, Syngenta, to inquire about availability 866-796-4368.

Answer last updated on: 01/15/2012

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