Crossfire is a fantastic and very potent bedbug control product and could certainly be alternated with a spray of Temprid. The biggest thing with bedbugs is to stay on top of treatments every 7-14 days and be meticulous with the applications to get into every nook and crevice you can. If you have a heavy infestation using a product like Crossfire can help drastically drop the numbers and cut your retreatments down due to its unique mode of action.
Bed Bug Guide
Yes, Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate is safe to use in a home with pets, as long as it is used according to the label. Be sure to remove pets from areas being treated until they have had time to dry completely.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate Shelf like is 3 years after opening if kept in a cool dry area.
We recommend to wait at least 2 hours after Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate treatment to vacuum up any dead bugs.
It is recommended to retreat every 14 days for active infestations of bed bugs until you can go 30 days without seeing any signs of bedbugs or without anyone getting bit. Crossfire can be sprayed everyday if needed, but for an active treatment, every 14 days is recommended. Please see the How to Treat for Bed Bugs Pest Control Guide for more information.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate can be applied to furniture including couches. We recommend applying/testing a small inconspicous area first to check for staining.
It is not necessary to leave the home, but everyone other than the applicator should be out of the direct area where Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate is being applied and should remain out until all surfaces are dry.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate should be mixed and used within 24 hours of mixing for the most effective results.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate does not need to be applied to the point of runoff or dripping per the manufacturer so that you do not oversaturate treatment areas as this can prolong the dry time rendering the article treated unusable longer.
Yes, you can mix Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate and Gentrol IGR together to treat for bedbugs. Gentrol IGR is to be mixed at 1oz per gallon of water and reapplied every 2 weeks for bed bug control.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate will be removed if the treated area is mopped and will need to be reapplied. It is not labeled to be broadcast across floors and treatment should only be directed to cracks and crevices. Please refer to the product label for complete instructions.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate lasts up to 30 days so can be applied once a month.
The Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate Product Label states: Apply Crossfire Bed Bug as an indoor crack and crevice, or direct spray application in non food areas including, but not limited to: hotels, shelters, modes of transportation, restaurants, schools, nursing homes, warehouses, offices, apartments, motels, kennels and hospitals. Be sure to air the car out several hours and give plenty of time to dry before resuming normal use.
No, isopropyl alcohol will not make a treatment of Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate less effective if it's sprayed hours after. Alcohol will only kill on contact and does not leave a residual.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate is a new addition to our site. It is designed to reduce overall operational costs and provide a new tool in the toughest of jobs. It kills within 5 minutes of contact and lasting for up to 30 days after application, this non-staining product is designed to kill all of the different life stages of bed bugs, from eggs to adults, while producing no visible residue. It is approved for direct application on mattresses leaving no stains or residue. Easy to mix and measure, just add 13 oz of the non-repellent concentrate to 115 oz of water, then spray the 1 gallon mixture on the target area. This low odor product can also become part of an existing bed bug control program and is recommended for professional pest control operators.
Crossfire should only be mixed with water. You can mix Gentrol IGR at 1 oz per gallon of water for a crack and crevice application after you have applied the Crossfire and it dried.
The Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate covers 1,000 Sq Ft at 13 oz per gallon of water. Keep in mind that you are treating cracks and crevices for bed bug treatments. Please take a few moments to review our Bed Bug Treatment Guide.
Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate should be used within 24 hours of mixing for the most effective results.
If you are applying in a well-ventilated area, it is not necessary to wear a mask when applying Crossfire.
You can use both products in the same treatment plan as long as they do not overlap with one another. Diatomaceous Earth Dust is more for areas where you cannot spray a liquid and does not have to be vacuumed. For example: outlet areas, etc. Crossfire Bed Bug Concentrate can be applied to cracks crevices of the room, bed frame, night stands, etc.