Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide can not be used on residential turf grass. It is labeled for turf disease control on commercial turf, such as golf courses, on professional and collegiate atheletic fields and around industrial buildings.
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide is not labeled to control fairy ring in any lawn so we would not recommend that to get rid of your fungus in your lawn. Heritage G Fungicide is one of our most popular lawn fungicides and would do a great job to control fairy ring.
Per the product label instructions:
Apply 2-4 lbs of Heritage G per 1000 sq/ft for fairy ring. Apply as soon as possible after fairy ring symptoms develop. Irrigate with at least 0.5 inches water within 24 hours after application if rainfall is not expected. Severely damaged or thin turf may require reseeding. Fairy ring symptoms may take 2 to 3 weeks to disappear following application. Reapplication after 14-28 days may be required in some cases
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide is not labeled for needle blight on conifers. Clearys 3336F Fungicide would be a better option for blight on conifers including Leyland Cypress.
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide is labeled to treat Anthracnose, and per the product label it can be used on ornamental plants to control certain diseases of container, bench, flat, plug, bed or field-grown ornamentals in greenhouses, shade-houses, outdoor nurseries, and residential and commercial landscapes. According to table 3, Birdsnest Sansevieria has been tested and did not exhibit phytotoxicity when treated at the labeled rates.
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide is not labeled for use on residential lawns, so we cannot recommend this application. For a home lawn, you could use Natural Guard Grass and Weed Killer Non-Selective RTU on algae and moss in your lawn. This product will control treated areas within hours.
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide is only labeled for turf disease control on commercial turf, such as golf courses, on professional and collegiate athletics fields and around industrial buildings. We recommend to contact the manufacturer to get more detailed information at 866-796-4368.
A standard fungicide such as Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide will not control nostoc. ZeroTol is a pathogen control product that can be used for nostoc, though it only comes in one large size at the moment. Bonide MossMax is often used for treatment of nostoc as well. You can learn more about nostoc in this article.
The 5 lb bag of Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide would be equal to 80 oz of product. If applying at the 3.25 oz per 1000 sq ft application rate, the 5lb bag would cover approx 24,500 sq ft.
Please view the full product label for more information.
Daconil Ultrex Turf Care Fungicide can only be applied to golf courses and commercial turf, no residential use.