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Ryan from Charlotte Nc writes

Do I do the steps in the Roach Control Kit all together or separately for treatment?

There are several steps in this kit after sanitation, do I use the products one step at a time, for example, Bait, the Growth inhibitor, then spray, or All simultaneously?


You would use each product in the Roach Control Kit in their respective areas at the same time. So to see the best results you would spray the Temprid along baseboards and crevices down low and behind and under large appliances like fridge and stove. Then you can place the Gentrol Point Source discs in areas of need like above/sides of upper cabinets and fridge as well as under the kitchen sink. Each disc will last 3 months and covers about 75 sq/ft so the average amount per kitchen is 3-6 discs. Then inside the cabinets you would use the gel in small green pea sized dabs in corners and crevices and around hinges and drawers. So essentially you use all products at the same time of application; you wouldnt use the bait this week and then the spray the next and then the IGR.  

Answer last updated on: 07/09/2018

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Roach Control Kit Rotation C

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