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Jon from Vine Grove, Ky writes

Do I have to drill in the interior of my basement to apply a liquid termite barrier treatment?

I have a concrete slab walk out basement, the wall that is not a walk out is concrete. I understand all about the 6"x6" trench around the perimeter of the house per the Termidor SC instructions, but am unsure if i need to just drill the the one side of the slab that is "below ground", the whole slab or any of it all if I am able to apply in a trench around the whole exterior of the house... If I choose not to drill at all is the exterior "trench treatment" even worth doing?


You should always do the exterior trench and treat around the entire house, no matter what.  On the front of the house, the termites can enter at ground level, which means that the entire part of your house that is above ground to the roof is exposed to termites.  So that is why you want to trench around the entire house.  You are not required to drill the slab in the basement if you don't want to, but if the basement is not finished and exposed, and you could easily get to that wall and drill and treat, then it is not a bad idea to do it.  However, if your basement is not finished, and there are no studs or sheet-rock in the basement, there really is not a need to drill and treat because there is nothing there to protect.

Answer last updated on: 04/10/2013

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