Product Q&A

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Laura from Rochester, Mi writes

Do I have to wait 90 days to use the CO2 booster in Verifi?

If the CO2 only lasts for 24 hours, why not go ahead and insert a new CO2 booster in the Verifi unit in the 2nd or 3rd day, rather than waiting for 90 days?


You can insert a CO2 booster as often as you would like. The lures that are the main attractant for the bed bugs in the Verifi unit will last 90 days. The CO2 booster is just that, a boost of attractant to help you either see if there are still bed bugs in a room, or to try and attract them to the unit faster. You can use the booster with the lures on day 1 or day 90 or anywhere in between.

Answer last updated on: 03/06/2013

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