By DoMyOwn staff
While maintaining the yard, Paul has noticed a nuisance weed pop up in the yard. The problem is, he doesn't know how to identify it. So, in this video, he will go over how to identify weeds and how to kill the weed that has sprouted up in his yard
Two things to address today. Number one, a follow up on my crab grass treatment, as requested in the comments section of that video. And number two, touch on a problem that's started to rear it's ugly head in my yard. But first, let's do a follow up.
For the most part, that first treatment, pretty successful! It probably would have been better had I used a surfactant and it didn't unexpectedly rain later that day, but it is what it is. Overall pretty happy with the way it turned out.
Now it's not completely gone. I still have clusters of it throughout this little area. But here's the thing about crab grass, is once it's germinated it's really difficult to control. But one day I will have it eradicated from this area.
Now on to my next problem. While maintaining my big beautiful green luscious lawn, I've noticed...well let me just show you.
This little guy right here.
And here.
Right there, there and there.
All up in my magnolia tree's business right along here.
And along the front of my disgusting looking hostesses and what will eventually be a nice pretty little garden bed.
The problem is, at the time, I had no idea how to identify those weeds. So I reached out to the customer service staff to get their expert advice and here's how they broke it down to identify those weeds.
First thing to know, is it a broad leaf or a grassy weed?
Broad leaf weeds are going to be tough and aggressive. They're going to pounce and thrive on the weak areas of your lawn. They can easily be identified in the yard because they look nothing like grass.
Unlike grassy weeds which are undesirable grasses that germinate and grow in the lawn. The problem here is they do not have the turf quality, appearance, characteristics, or growth habits to produce a nice healthy looking lawn.
Once we've figured out if it's broad leaf or grassy weed, we now have to start to look at the very distinct characteristics of that weed to really pinpoint and lock down what it is.
Here are some of the things to take a look at and consider when trying to identify weeds. The leaf shape, margins and branching pattern of the leaf veins.
Over all leaf structure.
Arrangement of leafs on the stem.
The presence or absence of little tiny hairs on the leaves or other parts of the plant.
Take a look at the root structure if you can.
Also know it's life cycle. Is it annual, biannual, or perennial.
How does the plant grow?
Plant height and lateral spread.
The degree of branching or the arrangement of branches on the main stem.
Overall leaf size.
Leaf and stem coloration.
Stem holiness.
The presence of spines, thorns, prickle or stinging hairs.
And if there is a milky juice or sap if the stem or the leaves are cut.
Now those are just some of the few things you need to know to try and identify the weeds in your yard.
But if that's too much and it's a little bit daunting to try and do that yourself, simply grab your phone.
Take as many detailed pictures as you can.
Email it to our customer service staff and they'll try to identify it.
Got it, crab grass!
And surprise surprise, it's a specious of crab grass!
I've said it once and I'll say it again, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know how to identify this stuff, so I'm glad I got the customer service staff to help figure it out for me. High five to them!
So per their recommendation, I'm going to use a product that's got a little bit more of a punch that what I used the last time and is safe to use in my established, beautiful looking lawn.
Main difference between this product and the last product, this has Quinclorac, 2,4-D, and some Dicamba mixed in it.
And because I'm just going to be doing a spot treatment, I'm going to throw in some marking dye so that I can keep track and see what I'm doing.
I got my PPE on, we're mixed up, we're ready to spray!
So there we go! We'll see what kind of dent that makes into our little problem we've got going on in our beautiful yard.
And I'll most certainly do a follow up video on our spot treatment today to see how well we did.
In a nutshell, that's how you identify the different kinds of weeds that you have in your yard.
One other thing I want to point out here, please don't send our customer service staff samples of your weeds. It will just decay in the mail, it will be dead before it gets to us, and there's no way we can try and identify what kind of weeds you have in your yard if you try to go that route.
Just take lots of good pictures, email them over to our customer service staff, and they'll do the best that they can to identify the weed that you have in your yard.
If you have any other questions on the product that I used in my yard, you can click on the link in the description below; it will take you over to our website and you can read more on it. You can always leave questions or comments in the comments section below, email our customer service staff, or pick up the phone and give them a call.
I hope you found that helpful and I hope you'll continue to follow along with me as I go through the journey of learning what it takes to do my own lawn care.
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And as always, thanks for watching!