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Jennifer from Washington writes

Do I need to do anything to the trap or are the ready to go out of the package?

I had used them before and they were amazing (from a pest control pro) so I ordered a bag when we had ants again this spring. The baits do not seem to be doing anything so I wondered if I missed a step of removing part of the packaging or adding water or something.


The Advion Ant Baits come ready to use. Ants nutritional needs change frequently. This means that one day they may only forage for proteins, like what is contained in the Advion Ant Bait Stations and another day they may forage for carbohydrates like the ingredients contained in the Maxforce Ant Bait gel. We recommend leaving the Advion Stations in place and allow the ants to continue their natural foraging. We also recommend using an ant bait gel or liquid in the same area where you placed the stations to allow the ants to select the bait that fits their needs.

Answer last updated on: 05/25/2012

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Advion Ant Bait Arena

Advion Ant Bait Arena

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