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Kaylee from Harvard, Illinois writes

Do the mattress covers prevent bed bugs from getting IN?

I know the covers prevent bugs from getting out, but I'm contemplating buying a whole new mattress as I kind of need one anyway. The one I have currently is pretty old. I'm just wondering, if I get a new mattress and put the cover on it before I even bring it into the house, will that prevent it from getting any inside? And, would it make the bed easier to treat, because it eliminates all the little creases and folds I would need to treat if I left the mattress bare?


You are correct.  The reason that we carry Protect-A-Bed brand mattress encasements is because they are the highest rated bed bug proof encasements on the market.  You can find studies comparing encasements online that show Protect-A-Bed winning out in laboratory testing situations against other brands.  They are bed bug proof, meaning not only can any bed bugs get out of the encasement, but none can get into the mattress or box spring for hiding either.  It protects both ways.  It does also make the mattress and box springs easier to treat and inspect since there are no creases or folds and the bed bugs stand out on the white encasement.

Answer last updated on: 04/28/2012

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