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Vincent writes

Do you have more literature on the Protecta Sidekick Installation/Maintenance?

I am in charge of the ready service contract for pest control for the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority. For our rodents, we use over 50 of the Protecta Sidekicks at our facility. I would like to know if there is any literature or guidelines for installing and maintaining the boxes so we can ensure our contractor is adhering to your guidelines. I am hoping your guidelines and literature will answer some of these questions. Where is the best placement of the boxes? What is the distance that should be between each box? How does the box reduce the rodent population? When should the bait be changed? How do you determine if the box is effective at its current area? Also, since I'm new to pest control, do you offer any introductory classes,seminars,webinars that will educate me in this field? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.


We only have the information you see available on our website. The manufacturer very well may have more information available for commercial applications. You can reach Bell Labs at 800-323-6628. We do believe that they may have videos available that would explain more on installation in commercial facilities.

Answer last updated on: 01/15/2011

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