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Wayne writes

Do you have to fill the trench back in after using Termidor SC?

I recently bought some Termidor SC from you, and I am using the trench method. How important is it to get the trench covered up after soaking? I was told it is real important to get it covered after it soaks in? I couldn't find an answer online.


You must fill the trench back in after using Termidor SC and the back fill should also be treated. If you leave the treated trench exposed, then it will be constantly exposed to the sun and the Termidor SC will degrade faster. Also, the termites would have to tunnel deeper than the they normally would because there would be no soil for them to travel through, which means they could travel through untreated soil. It is always important to read and follow the product label. Manufacturers do a lot of research and development so that they can tell you the most effective way to use their product. Failure to follow the instructions will no doubt give you sub par results.

Answer last updated on: 09/10/2010

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