Penni from Gainesville, Georgia writes
We moved into a home and discovered a big mouse/rat infestation in the attic and in the basement ceiling tiles. The tiles smell of urine and some of the ceiling is drywall. I'm looking for a product to fog those areas we can not reach to clean. Also can I use your product on the ceiling tiles?
Bac-A-Zap may be fogged into confined spaces, such as crawl spaces or attics using a fogging device. Dilute product two (2) parts water to one (1) part Bac-A-ZAP (2:1) and apply as a fog at a rate of one (1) gallon of mixed solution per 1000 cubic feet of confined space. NOTE: Do not fog Bac-AZAP into areas where people or pets are present. Wait until fog has dissipated before re-entry. Bac-AZAP can be used on walls, floors, carpets, wall voids, crawl spaces, basements, floor drains, refuse containers, dumpsters, garbage cans, bathrooms, and compost piles.
Answer last updated on: 10/06/2015