Product Q&A

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Adam from Statesboro, Ga writes

Does Essentria G Granules also treat for Sod Webworms and Cutworms?


Essentria G Granules is not specifically labeled for sod webworms or cutworms. We do offer other products including Bifen XTS. The rate for Bifen XTS for webworms is not set per gallon but by area.  You will use 0.07-0.15 fl oz per 1000 square feet. This generally mixes in 1-2 gallons of water. This can be done every 21 days as needed.  To ensure that the best control of Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms is achieved, postpone watering or mowing for 24 hours following application  

Answer last updated on: 02/23/2019

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Essentria G Granules

Essentria G Granules

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