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Christine from Long Island, Ny writes

Does NyGuard Plus protect against all ticks, even dog ticks?

Does this work on American dog ticks? I live on Long Island where ticks are a large problem. Does this work on most if not all variety of US ticks? Also does this kill all stages of tick life? It's listed specifically that it kills flea eggs as larva but does it also kill tick eggs and nymph?


The NyGuard Plus is labeled for tick species in general and when used per the label instructions within your home where ticks may be present or would look to hide it will control them as well as any fleas in the area. While its not specifically labeled to control the eggs and nymphs its technology is such that you can effectively get rid of the entire population in the home as long as the proper treatment steps are being taken. 

Answer last updated on: 05/14/2018

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