Michelle from Massachusetts writes
Alpine PT Insecticide Aerosol does not contain an IGR to help stop the growth/reproduction cycle and will not kill larvae stages of bed bugs. Repeat applications should be done as spot treatments or to cracks and crevices as needed but no sooner than 3 day intervals. PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Aerosol is labeled to leave a 7 month residual for treating Flea eggs but the 7 month residual does not apply to Bed Bugs. For treating bed bugs, reapply as necessary but not more than once per day as stated in the Bed Bugs Section on the product label. For active bed bug treatments, there is not one product alone that will eliminate them and they can not be eliminated with 1-2 treatments. Bed Bugs require a combination of products to treat the tiny cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide along with diligent repeat treatments every 7 days. Continue to retreat until you can go 30 days without seeing any signs of bed bugs. Please view our Bed Bug Kits that offer the best products for a full treatment program and Bed Bug Treatment Guide for more helpful infromation.
Answer last updated on: 01/02/2022