Product Q&A

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Danny from Columbus, Ohio writes

Does Tempo SC Ultra kill roaches on contact? If not, how long before coming into contact with the treated area will roaches begin to die?


Tempo SC Ultra is not a contact kill but it does have a residual of up to 4 weeks. The time it takes for roaches to die after they come into contact with dried deposits of Tempo SC will depend on the life stage of the roach, how long they stay on the treated surface, and how long the dried deposit of Tempo SC has been in place. You can expect the roaches to die anywhere from 1 hour - 24 hours after they come into contact with treated areas. If you are having a heavy roach infestation, look over our article How To Get Rid of Roaches for helpful details, hints and product recommendation for controlling the colony the fastest way to eliminate them for good at the source. 

Answer last updated on: 10/13/2022

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