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Dave from Lake City Florida writes

Does the Roach Control Kit #2 product work on Asian roaches?

I've been paying a pest control company for 2 years to treat my place and still have both Asian and German roaches. What is your recommendation?


Roach Control Kit # 2 is labeled for German and American roaches. We would recommend using Advion Roach Bait Gel. It is labeled for Asian and German roaches, as well as various other types as well. You will use 3-5 spots per 10 linear feet for heavy infestations and 1-3 spots for a light to moderate infestion. We would still recommend the Gentrol Point Sources. They are a birth control for the roaches and will stop them from laying eggs. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Answer last updated on: 08/13/2014

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Roach Control Kit #2

Roach Control Kit #2

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