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Art from Austin, Tx writes

Does the suction tube in the Bonide Hose End Auto Mix reach the bottom of the jar and how many gallons of spray are produced per minute?

My old Ortho sprayer had a tube that stuck at the back of the jar, so material was left in when the jar was pointed down. I know it takes me 2 minutes to walk and spray over a 1000 sq. ft. of lawn. How much many gallons will I put down on the lawn.


Yes, the suction tube in the Bonide Hose End Auto Mix does reach the bottom of the container. The amount of gallons it will put out per minute will depend on your water pressure. It could be anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes to spray each gallon.

Answer last updated on: 09/27/2016

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Bonide Hose End Auto Mix

Bonide Hose End Auto Mix

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