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Greg from Deltona writes

Does using SureKill Total Release Aerosol in the attic require leaving the house?

I have an infestation of wasps in my attic, and have been advised to use this product there. Would this require leaving the house for the requisite 4 hours, or can we stay since only the attic space is being treated?


If you are using a fogger inside the home, it is best to leave the structure during the treatment time as directed. SureKill Total Release Aerosol does not lists wasps as a target insect on the product label.  You may wish to contact the manufacturer Chem-Tech directly if you have specific questions not listed on the label at 515-287-6778.  We would recommend our Wasp and Hornet Control Kit, which has the professional insecticides needed to kill wasps and hornets in and around your home, and can be used in your attic space.

Answer last updated on: 02/20/2021

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