Dominion 2L Termiticide Concentrate can be applied to a birch tree for birch borers, leafminers and other listed pests. It is not recommended to apply with a hose end sprayer. It is suggested to perform a soil drench around the base of the tree and it will translocate up the tree.
There is no wait time to plant grass seed after applying Dominion 2L.
When using Dominion 2L Termiticide for bores, it is labeled to be applied as a soil injection which includes grid systems, circle systems, basal systems, and soil drench applications. This product cannot be injected into a tree for borers. Also, please keep in mind injecting product into a tree directly needs to be done by a trained specialist with the right equipment, otherwise more damage could be done to the tree.
It is usually recommended to do both a topical treatment as well as a systemic treatment for aphids. Our most popular choices for these are Talstar P (topical spray, water-based concentrate- use 1 oz per gallon of water) and Dominion 2L (systemic, applied as a root drench; use 0.2 oz per inch of trunk diameter for trees or per foot of shrub height for bushes). You may want to take a look at our article on Aphid Control for more information on treating this pest.
You should not mix 2 residual insecticides like Dominion 2L Termiticide and Bifen IT.
Dominion 2L is not labeled for use on edible plants and any food plants treated with the product should be discarded. You would not want to eat anything from the tree for at least one year or one growing season.