Learn how and when to apply granular pre-emergent herbicides to help your lawn thrive.
Learn what split applications for weed control are and when to apply for optimal weed prevention.
Properly applying fertilizer will keep your lawn healthy and help prevent weeds, pests, and disease.
Learn how pre-emergents work and how to properly apply post-emergents to take care of existing weeds.
See how you can save time and money by preventing lawn disease before it starts.
Brown patch in cool season turf is influenced by many things including high heat and humidity, mowing height, and fertilization.
Learn how grubs can be prevented and controlled before they wreak havok on your lawn.
Getting a fall pre-emergent application down in time will prevent winter weeds and save you time and money.
It's important to use the right selective post-emergent herbicide to keep your turfgrass safe.
What can be done in your lawn during the winter months? In this video, we'll walk you through some winter lawn care tips to keep your lawn healthy leading into spring.
How do I tell how many ounces per gallon of water to use on my lawn?
Learn more about timing pre-emergent applications on your lawn.
Learn how overseeding works when applying pre and post emergent applications.
Monitor sunlight in your lawn, air circulation, lawn drainage, and your lawn's pH level with a soil test to prevent moss in your lawn.
Get a healthy lawn leading into winter by feeding your fall lawn correctly!
Your location, grass type, and the correct active ingredients will help you apply your spring pre-emergent with spring fertilizer effectively.
Learn what equipment you need to get started doing your own lawn care.
Follow these simple tips when applying your spring pre-emergents and spring post-emergents, so you can have a beautiful lawn all year long.
Learn how Iron can improve the color and health of your turf.
Prevent dollar spot fungus with these quick tips.
Weed life cycles play a huge role in their prevention and treatment. Make sure your lawn is protected by following these simple tips.
Learn the basics of applying a winterizer fertilizer in cool season lawn with these tips.
Set your lawn up for success and growth with a spring fertilizer!
Disease prevention tips for trees and shrubs include identify plants, practicing good sanitation, and being on the lookout for signs of disease.